LMS Announcements
Important Upcoming Dates
February 3 & 4: Baseball and Softball Tryouts immediately after school
February 3: Josten's Ring Presentation to 7th Grade
February 3: JV/Varsity Basketball at Johnsonville
February 4: Student Council Meeting
February 6: Away Academic Challenge Match
February 7: JV/Varsity basketball at Hannah-Pamplico
February 10: Quarter 3 Interim Grades due in PowerSchool
February 12: Quarter 3 Progress Reports
February 18: Faculty Meeting
February 21: Student/staff basketball game
February 24-28: Intersession
All Latta Schools will have an eLearning Day Wednesday, January 22 due to the forecasted wintry weather.
Please review the eLearning Day Expectations below:
eLearning Day Expectations:
Students, school employees, and district employees will work from home. Supervisors will coordinate work assignments for their departments.
Assignments are required to be turned in within FIVE SCHOOL DAYS.
Each student who turns in assignments on time will be marked present.
Those students that do not will be marked UNEXCUSED.
Students in grades K-8 should plan for 5.5 hours of work time.
Students in grades 9-12 should plan for 6 hours of work time.
Parents are expected to read the information sent home. Students will have access to all assignments.
Teachers will be available to students and parents during normal school hours.
Students receiving assignments through Google Classroom can contact teachers through Google Classroom.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
There is a FCA meeting every Thursday for 6th-8th grade students at 7:40 in the LHS Gym.
2024-2025 LMS Yearbooks
The 2024-2025 Latta Middle School Yearbook is now on sale! Standard yearbooks are $40.00. Personalized yearbooks start at $49.00. The last day to order a personalized yearbook is Friday, January 31st. Order in school by submitting an order form and money (cash or check) to your homeroom teacher. Checks must be made out to Latta Middle School. Or order online at Jostens Yearbook.
Contact Mrs. Cristin Britt with any questions.
Email Mrs. Cristin Britt
(843) 752-7117
Athletic Event Expectations
Reminder: Students who attend the middle school must be accompanied by an adult when attending any athletic events/games.
Lost and Found
The Latta Middle School Lost and Found is located across from the cafeteria entrance. There are many coats and jackets on the Lost and Found rack. If you lose an item, please check the Lost and Found and claim anything that belongs to you.
For questions about the Lost and Found, contact Mrs. Cristin Britt
Viking Snack Break
Student Council delegates sell snacks at break every Thursday (weather permitting).
Water/Gatorade: $1.00
Chips: $1.00
Slim Jims: 2/$1.00
Candy: $2.00
School Report Card
To view the school report card, please click SC Report Cards.
The administration, faculty, and staff of LMS encourage parent support and involvement in your child’s education. You have a significant impact on the education your child receives and your participation will encourage a feeling of partnership among your child, the school, and you. Communication between the home and school is vital.
If you have announcements you would like to add to this page, please contact Cristin Langley Britt at Email Cristin Langley Britt.